Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Nearly twenty years of friendship…. this is our story with Jonathan….

In 1989, Jon (Maxwell) and I were working at the “old” Charles Theatre and were living in an apartment on St. Paul Street. We had talked about looking for a roommate to share the rent, given that we both generated our meager salaries working at the Charles Theatre.

Just a few weeks earlier, Jonathan had arrived in Baltimore from Maine looking like a strange punked-out Daniel Boon. He was staying with a friend who also working at the Charles Theatre at the time and he was hanging around the theatre catching free flicks and meeting new friends. I barely knew him, but he struck me as a charming fellow and one day I just casually said we were looking for a roommate. Without hesitation, he said he was looking for a place to live in Baltimore and let’s give it a go. Jonathan moved into our apartment with his guitar and one suitcase containing mostly books the next week. That’s how it began.

How was I to know? We would all move a few months later into the “Copy-Cat” building and remain roommates for six years with the addition of Charlotte during the last two- three years; that Jonathan and Charlotte would be the “make-shift best man and maid of honor” in our “half-baked” wedding at the “Copy-Cat” which included a performance by Lamb’s Eat Ivy; that Jon and I would be the “make-shift best man and maid of honor” at Jonathan and Charlotte’s “half-baked” wedding which included a trip to West Virginia; that Jonathan and Charlotte would eventually become the “make-shift godparents” of our son Ian and that we would share many other events and changes together- remaining friends for so long.

How was I to know how amazed I would be by Jonathan’s creative spirit ….that I would love him and miss him so much now?
Chrissy and Jon

Jonathan Gorrie - Baltimore 1989

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